Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Thursday, March 30, 2006

3 comment(s):

So you're doing the dentist thingy too, interesting, seems like as we age our teeth go to hell. I'm doing the bleaching right now in preparation for the replacement of my four front crowns.

By Blogger bada bing, at March 31, 2006  

Oh dad I've so been there. Of course I get drugged up to calm down before a major appointment at the dentist... but the last root canal I needed SOOO bad.

By Blogger islandarts, at March 31, 2006  

Jen & Bada
Like I was in big time pain that day, possibly the worst I have felt since I was 12 and had a tooth pulled in Tisdale by a horse doctor!
and to fix it with a root canal ?
go figure - I just wanted it pulled but Dr Gan wouldn't hear any of it .. I guess we are falling appart at the seams
and need a little TLC hay ???
and WHAT would it be like without this Puter so we can talk about our probs?

By Blogger S Q L Y, at April 01, 2006  

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