Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Saturday, March 18, 2006

What a Snowfall $$$

Since it started we haven't let the shovels cool-off much, every mourning is another dump of white !!!
It's a windfall for the towing companys as everywhere you look some other motorist is expeiencing the snow - surfing effect of off-roading in the right or left hand ditch...but you can really drive like a madman untill it's time to stop if you own a 4wheel drive vehicle!
Yip, they sure motor but they are held by the same laws as everyone else out there drive by, and that being gravity and friction ! they have more weight and more speed ( usually ) and there friction is no better than yours----so they snow plow for a while then hit some immovable object (another car) sometimes You.

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