I'll try and Get through this one time..Five Wonky things about Myself??
>1 Like to play free-cell when the house is quite at about 11:59pm.
even like to check the stats and see if at the end of it all I have improved on the rest who have played!!
>2 Enjoy a clean house - even if it's said that a tidy desk (house) is the sign of a cluttered mind.
>3 Forget the baths, i take showers to really get the dirt - off. baths are for girls.
>4 Like to eat salade - especially with romaine and spinach as the base layer.
>5 Never thought I'd enjoy art as much as seeing it through the eyes of my kids and grandkids !! they're artwork is terrific.
5 comment(s):
Hey Jen's Dad - thanks for playing along. :-) You taught me a new word today - "Wonky."
By Deb Heller, at August 01, 2006
Hey,'s the new knee? I was tagged but I'm still thinking about the weird/wonky things that I do. I think I'm perfect so can't imagine that I do anything wrong! LOL
By bada bing, at August 02, 2006
I've used the word for years as whenever you have a few too many wobbly-pops I always get wonky. ha ha
By S Q L Y, at August 02, 2006
I believe 'wonky' is an aussie term we've picked up from Aunty Patsy...
Bada Bing, strange things are the perfect things... don'chya know??
By islandarts, at August 03, 2006
What do ya think ?
Should I post a new blog sometime soon ?????
I'm open to all the your- Ideas,
Maybe I have ---Bye Bye birdy ---take a picture
for me to work with ---
what would you prefer I blog about???lol
By S Q L Y, at August 07, 2006
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