Wonderfull Top 10
1) Wonder where the all the food went?
2) wonder where the last tank of gas went ?
3) Wonder Where the good times went.. too quickly ?
4) Wonder where the warm weather went?
5) Wonder who said not to worry ( I want to meet him )?
6) wonder why the 649 numbers are so damn Illusive?(If you have a plan why arn't you $$
7) wonder why the tree grows on the south side of the moss?
8) wonder where the yellow went?
9) wonder when I can wheedle a new car?
10) wonder why I started this damn list ?? lol
ps----Don't you just love the look of this "67 Chevelle and it's
owned by a guy in Edmonton !!!!
3 comment(s):
Dad, were you bored??? lol
By FitGirl, at April 24, 2006
I'm wondering where all the photos are!!
Now that you are in a forced time off, I wanna see some photos- artfully taken of course!
By islandarts, at April 24, 2006
Just don't get in a snitch, the ole trigger finger has aged a bit . lol
I have to rest a little too, u know ?
what would u like Coffee, tea, .. me
By S Q L Y, at April 25, 2006
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