Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Snoopy is as snoopy does !

The other day I had a friend at work tell me about his warped love life !!!
Got your attention yet?
Anyhow, this Gold miner (lady friend ) of his has being fleeceing him for a good while under the intention of having a long term relationship, which he surely wanted to happen.
This guy was just to loose with his desire to have this gal,...I'd say as she took... and took.... till one day she opted for his(bleeping) friend (not much of a friend hay ?) and you know the rest of the story.
She probably has done this style of relationship so often that it's professional (for her) by now !!!
I guess we all have to loose a few battles but how else to learn the lifes cruel lessons in liv'in and lov'in.
I would like things to be like the commercial with the "EASY" button but we would be only dreaming. right ??

It's been nice having this time together. hahha
Now lets Party!!

8 comment(s):

Nice to see you blogging instead of just fixing your blog, lol. Where are the pics of your finished entry? I'm all about pics! (as you can tell from my blog)

By Blogger bada bing, at April 11, 2006  

Nice to see you blogging instead of just fixing your blog, lol. Where are the pics of your finished entry? I'm all about pics! (as you can tell from my blog)

By Blogger bada bing, at April 11, 2006  

By the way, whatever you have done, your blog had slowed down considerably, I actually thought that it was frozen!

By Blogger bada bing, at April 11, 2006  

Oops, I see I have really been messing up your blog. Actually, I noticed that the whole internet was slow this morn...so perhaps it isn't your blog.

By Blogger bada bing, at April 11, 2006  

Oh sis, Just keep on blogging as I enjoy it a lot....
to bad other relatives haven't learned of the benifits of using the i-net
... if it wasn't for this machine, we'ed still be back in the stone Age
I will be posting lots of pictures-but
now I just gotto get some damn sleep.
My system is not getting enough rest lately---too much work I think,
wHO'S fault is that u ask ??? and I know your right.
trying to fix that too.


By Blogger S Q L Y, at April 11, 2006  

What do you think of the blog content wise??
ever wondered when some one would ever learn those hard lessons ??

By Blogger S Q L Y, at April 11, 2006  

Dad, you guys gossip worse than the ladies, I swear!!
I'm shocked at what some of those guys blab to you about, you should charge them by the hour. I hope you are taking some time off when we come to visit- you sound like you need it anyway!!

By Blogger islandarts, at April 12, 2006  

Hi Jenn
I Know it's a dumb blog
but some guys are too much....
I think they are very funny and really their
hourly rate would be pretty high (for cvonsultation) from a pro!
considering, the state they're in !!! ha ha

Yes and yes cause the shut-down should be over by then.

S Q L Y xoxoxo

By Blogger S Q L Y, at April 12, 2006  

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