Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Heat wave to nice rain ??

Here around EDmonton, Some rain today--then it warmed up and we all had a saunna bath with the humidity.. the smoke from the forest fires is making the air quality pretty rotten.
This old 57 ford convertable speaks volumes for all us old hippies who could never afford such luxsury..
Tommorrow they say it could shower again and that would be nice.
I toke a couple of pics of Sadie but will post them now . Please be patient with me as I'm just Lazy, Like sadie under the table on this one picture, ha ha

ta ta
for now

S Q L Y and crew.

2 comment(s):

Why is Sadie blurry!?
LOL Love that old car though...
We have had some scorching heat this last week too but it was cooler today (thank goodness!!) no rain though... (lucky us!)

By Blogger islandarts, at July 06, 2006  

I think I must have the shakes as I have had a couple of photos lately that have been blurry ?
Do you have any suggestions- except keep still..lol

By Blogger S Q L Y, at July 08, 2006  

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