Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Sunday, October 29, 2006

**** * Snowflakes * *****

Well, we must have blinked 'cause over the weekend our weather has
deterated to something of a winter wonderland.
Paige would you ever love it here as all the kids have thier toboggans out and
are making snowmen on the lawns !!
But then we all can't have black=ice and crashes for desert..ha ha Satire their !!!
We were driving to the store for a few things and just noticed everyone was driving much more cautious as it is SUNDAY AND the sanding truck is over worked and not much sanding is happening if you get the drift..so it's either stay home or be nice and you'll get home in one piece.. actually a good motto to live by any day of the year.
I wish it would never snow here - I even told Mom, I could have rain and never complaine on bit but that's what we have here today == will report soon on the Sunny Alberta Weather Report and News of the day. ha

S Q L Y xox

3 comment(s):

I don't think I could stand to live in that kind of weather again... driving on snow is for the BIRDS!

By Blogger islandarts, at October 29, 2006  

reply to I.A.
Your right, I don't like the sound of crunch either...
I know where I'm aspiring to retire to...??
Luv Ya %)>


By Blogger S Q L Y, at October 29, 2006  

I hear ya Dad. This new snow sure had reaked havoc on traffic!!!

Gotta Love Chinooks :)

By Blogger FitGirl, at November 08, 2006  

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