Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Saturday, September 30, 2006

rEpOrT on Knee after 50 hrs of graveyard sHiFt

Hello U Out there in Never Never land!!

We'LL, I'm talkin to ya so I made it through

a rather tedious 1st week of scaffolding / miscellanius tending duties

after the medical sabatical of the T.K.R. and I gained a lot of

confidence in knowing I still can function and keep up to

everybody too.

I stayed near the ground for the first few days and lastnight I ventured

twice up to the top of a 25 foot scaffold and did some

work up there, needless to say it was the climb that felt

risky , once I was up there the work was actually easier !!

The knee feel a little stressed today but I have two days off

so I will rest and excercise it and everything will be fine

and dandy by monday night!!!

but I deffinatly will be keeping my eyes open for a job

change as this is just to good to wreck on some stuppid difficult


I should go now as I hear a birdy calling


2 comment(s):

Good for you Dad! Glad the knee is holding it's own!

Good Luck finding a new job too! What are you thinking of looking for?

By Blogger FitGirl, at October 02, 2006  

Right at the moment I am lookimg to streanthen my knee and get paid for it too !!!
then I'll get some consulting job...Yeah go figure. lol
Actually I missed my true calling, I think I was suppossed to be a Oilman..(Pro-ma) comes to mind.
Anyway Keep a keen eye open for me, Maybe I could be a knee consultant ?
S Q l Y O N E xoxo

By Blogger S Q L Y, at October 03, 2006  

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