Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Super Nova ?

Time for a few questions.
What did you think of when you first read my blog header ?
Probably some rock group... and here I was thinking of a '72 Chevy with a 409 Rat under the hood
I'm just a crazy car thinker I guess, but I want you all to tell me what car is Identifiable to you as the good ole days.. Maybe a Mg or a Honda Rabbit ..I was just wondering- When i was young I used to get the keys to my dads old
59 chev, Whow what a ride !!!

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3 comment(s):

I still remember asking my dad if we were going to take the "new" car shopping. The "new" car was a chev malibu with the red stripe along the side. lol we had the olympic edition of that one :) that's as old of a car as i can remember hahahahahaha

By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 13, 2006  

Yes, those old cars can bring back many old memories.

By Blogger S Q L Y, at December 16, 2006  

I have my problems with blogs and I must try this again

By Blogger S Q L Y, at December 16, 2006  

onclick="window.open('https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=23493944&postID=9148896233425113916&isPopup=true', 'bloggerPopup', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=400,height=450');return false;"> Post a comment

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