Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hawii night - out

A Night by the sea !!! on a Island yet ?

That was the theme anyway.

The girls at Fabricland had a BBQ last night and
the social gathering was fun for all.
Here are the women we rounded -up. lol
JoAnn's costume toke top honors and she was awarded a coupon for a Hawian Pizza. whow wee ha ha

The party was only hamperred by night fall and most were ready for home anyway.
I guess we needed more lights or more booze.

enjoy the pics .
S Q L Y xox

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm Just Blind

Now I will use spell check always .
I see the little icon over in the corner to do just that!!
what is it about just thinking things are-not available when they're infront of your eyes??
we were in Edmonton this afternoon and man the traffic is crazy busy, I was happy to leave and it wasn't rush hour yet !!
Sometimes things just work out.


Monday, August 07, 2006

The"New -Look" Knee

Here I am in all my radiant whatever !!!
But wouldn't you think that I look better than pre-opp?
I think my Doctor will be happy with my situation at my friday appointment, right ?
I have honestly been trying to do all my excersises, eat all the right stuff and be extra carefull when walking and not twist as they all said "No Twisting" Like I never did like Chubby Checker that much ...ha ha
JoAnne seems to be happy at her new Job as she's learning how people screw - up the schedules.... then pencil you in and say you missed it, but the head pearson actually admitted it to her yesterday as she thought she was lossing-it their for awhile!!!!
Everything has been nice and mild here and our lawn has decided to turn back to green again . who-oo


Update to New Look Knee : August 23/2006
I liked this post so much that I decided to give you a further report on the TKR.
It goes without saying that I have been preoccuppied with Phisiotherapy (excersise) of my new knee and regaining the lost movement that occurs with this type of radical surgery.
I can walk without any supporting cain or crutch but if I were to head out to the maul, I'm sure I would like some extra supportof a cain, in a 1/2 hour of walking..for sure.
My phisiotherapist said I was showing great improvements in mobility of the knee joint, but I had been pushing the excercise reps and she said I should give it a day - off every once in a while so it can recouver from the ordeal and come on stronger with added mobility a day or so latter
I ice it and elevate it for extra benifits when the pressure builds inside the confound joint.
I sure want to be able to ride the bike soon as it is my favorite soothing exercise for the knee, but with the restricted motion I am just now being able to make the complete cycle with the petals !!!
I hope you all get over here to read the latest news once in a while ,our weather is sure crazy, yesterday we had 31 deg c and today it's overcast and showers with about 16 deg c.
Too da loo from LA
Drop us a comment


Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I'll try and Get through this one time..
Five Wonky things about Myself??
>1 Like to play free-cell when the house is quite at about 11:59pm.
even like to check the stats and see if at the end of it all I have improved on the rest who have played!!
>2 Enjoy a clean house - even if it's said that a tidy desk (house) is the sign of a cluttered mind.
>3 Forget the baths, i take showers to really get the dirt - off. baths are for girls.
>4 Like to eat salade - especially with romaine and spinach as the base layer.
>5 Never thought I'd enjoy art as much as seeing it through the eyes of my kids and grandkids !! they're artwork is terrific.


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