Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Super Nova ?

Time for a few questions.
What did you think of when you first read my blog header ?
Probably some rock group... and here I was thinking of a '72 Chevy with a 409 Rat under the hood
I'm just a crazy car thinker I guess, but I want you all to tell me what car is Identifiable to you as the good ole days.. Maybe a Mg or a Honda Rabbit ..I was just wondering- When i was young I used to get the keys to my dads old
59 chev, Whow what a ride !!!

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Conversions from Graveyard shift ...

Well here I am and it's high time I wrote a New blog here as posting has sure slowed down when I was on the Graveyard shift, but now we all got converted to day shift for tommorrow and I'm trying to go to sleep but to no avail..yet and its after 1:00 am !!
I guess we all have some ajustments that are not exactly planned for but we make it through them just the same. I tried counting sheep and figuring out my birthday age in diffrent years, remembering what colors my old cars were and the ages of them when I bought them but nothing would bore me to sleep, so I figured I might as we check out the "tree dubyas" you know this time consumer www but we're supposed to use less paper now..right ?
Our temperatures have moderated to milder or normal and I like that..hope your's have too. At night I could always tack on another -8 degrees so it's nice to see only -5 or single digets for a daily hi.
The pics are beautiful Jen and I found our camera in front of me today(in it's case) so I hope to take a few pics to post okay ?
I have to hit the hay Now ..so wish me luck at nodding - off
DadiO xox

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