Wear Sunscreen ....Future's so bright I gotta wear Shades

Saturday, September 30, 2006

rEpOrT on Knee after 50 hrs of graveyard sHiFt

Hello U Out there in Never Never land!!

We'LL, I'm talkin to ya so I made it through

a rather tedious 1st week of scaffolding / miscellanius tending duties

after the medical sabatical of the T.K.R. and I gained a lot of

confidence in knowing I still can function and keep up to

everybody too.

I stayed near the ground for the first few days and lastnight I ventured

twice up to the top of a 25 foot scaffold and did some

work up there, needless to say it was the climb that felt

risky , once I was up there the work was actually easier !!

The knee feel a little stressed today but I have two days off

so I will rest and excercise it and everything will be fine

and dandy by monday night!!!

but I deffinatly will be keeping my eyes open for a job

change as this is just to good to wreck on some stuppid difficult


I should go now as I hear a birdy calling


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Progress Report on Knee Repacement

Fans, lol
Well it's almost two months (july 26 to sept 23) and I figured I was going stir crazy, Just excercising and recording everything in my manual.... So my Dr. said I could go to work if even modified days etc.
so I bid and .. yip I got it and I'll go to work monday evening !!!
I figured I should be able to improvise for a few weeks till my knee is a little stronger but it's getting better daily now.(I can cycle for hours and walk almost anywhere so I'm off to try my new wings)
..You have to do what your Dr. says ?? nothing to lose and everything to gain -- why not get paid for my excercise ??
I'll let you know how things transpire on about wednesday or when I wake -up from the graveyard shift !!!
gotta run


Monday, September 18, 2006

SUN after at Last COLD RAIN !!!

It has seemed like a eternity
since it was warm around here, I'm starting to wonder
if the white stuff was far behind.

But it was a bright day today
and everyone was chipper
as they went about they're daily errands.

I don't see many leaves that havent fallen
already but JoAnne's boston Ivy
on the back fence has turned

such a beautiful shade of red

that I had to share it with you too.

that pic of the deck is a before pic
as we are planning on putting
a pergola up soon,
(spring is soon)

and now well have a before and after
to look at.
I have to run now as I hear a suduko


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Western Autumn Images

Well..... here we go, it's only in the middle of September here in the west and everyone is doing the harvesting thing --
bringing in the seeds for another year.
Here are a few images I took yesterday
and now that I have figured out how to do a few computer things,

I always loved the change of season but hated what was to come !!!!!

As you can see we have very poor poor farmers who I'm sure can hardly afford their Hawian vacation this year - ah ha.

Just kidding they probably are going to the Carribean this year . ha ha
But it is fun seeing the Harvest happening and all the farmers markets on thursday, everyone getting stocked up with fresh veggies.
Hoping everyone has a great thanksgiving full of fun on October 9th -- gotta love those foul suppers or are they called fall suppers, our church used to have a supper that had three sittings that lasted till late in the evening - eveyone was very full for sure..by that time .. ha
Gotta run

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